1.) August 15 2005 at 23:14:30Fullname: Heather Gross Email: mishkalovesya@yahoo.com Where are your from?: Good Old Kentucky Homepage name: Homepage URL: Reference: Just Surfed On It! How good do you think this site is: Well Done!!! Comments: That is
wicked Awesome Amelia!!!!!! 2.) July 11 2005 at 00:18:51Fullname: Cara Email: Where are your from?: ohio Homepage name: Homepage URL: Reference: Word of Mouth How good do you think this site is: Well Done!!! Comments: I love ya Amelia,
and the new song on here is Awesome. We have missed you so much these past couple of weeks, i hope that Governor's Scholar
is treating you well! We are off to PA tomorrow...wish you were here with us! Keep up the great work with your music, you
are an amazing person with a wonderful heart! I can't explain how happy i am to have had the chance to get to know you! 3.)
April 16 2005 at 03:15:00Fullname: Sarah Viola Johnson Email: queen_sarah14@hotmail.com Where are your from?: Dorkville Homepage name: none Homepage URL: Reference: Word of Mouth How good do you think this site is: No comments Comments: This was an
awesome site..April Fools. j/k. see you in geometry! I hope. 4.) March 24 2005 at 17:32:57Fullname:
Heather Yvonne Porter Email: Everyone_Leaves_Me_In_The_End@hotmail.com Where are your from?: my mommy Homepage name: Homepage URL: Reference: Word of Mouth How good do you think this site is: Well Done!!! Comments: (Music note)Sometimes
I cry...because I can't fly...Sometimes I'm blue...because I miss you...sometimes i go down to the highway...to watch cars
go by...to remind there are places other than here...man I miss the Ninja Turtles...oh and you...BECAUSE WE'RE FRIENDS FOREVER!!!!
(Another music note) Wow Amelia this site is like awesome times twinkies! I really love your songs...thier wonderful and precious
like you. Thank you so much for the song, it touched my heart (you know...about where the arteries are). I just want you to
know your like my hero, i mean come on, you make your shirts!!! How cool is that? Well I'm going to stop rambling now. Farewell
for now Precious!*The Circus Reject* 5.) March 08 2005 at 00:03:20Fullname: Cody Email:
point3buck@hotmail.com Where are your from?: Morgan Homepage name: Homepage URL: Reference: Word of Mouth How good do you think this site is: Well Done!!! Comments: hey, i told
ya i would sign your g-book, you are a really good friend...cant wait to meet ya :p 6.) February 23 2005 at 07:03:59Fullname:
Ashley Marie Lavergne Email: ashleyteen2000@yahoo.com Where are your from?: Louisiana Homepage name: teenagesoul.com Homepage URL: http://uniqueteen0.tripod.com/ Reference: LinkExchange How good do you think this site is: Its ok Comments: You are only 2 years
older than me and you do all the things I want to do. I can't play any instruments, but I'm going to learn. I love your skillet
sight. 7.) February 19 2005 at 06:57:35Fullname: Cassie Email: heavenly_notion@hotmail.com Where are your from?: Edmonton, Alberta Homepage name: Homepage URL: Reference: Word of Mouth How good do you think this site is: Well Done!!! Comments: I have to say
u have written some of the most beautiful poetry I have ever read. and i absolutely loved the clip of 'At Arms Length'. Anyways,
great job on everything, glad i checked it out! p.s. i actually heard it from you on panheads.org but that wasn't an option...
word of mouth seemed second best 8.) February 16 2005 at 06:11:45Fullname: D Email: Where are your from?: Homepage name: Homepage URL: Reference: Word of Mouth How good do you think this site is: Looks nice Comments: Well, you said
to sign your guestbook, so here. :) I like the site, I really hope that someday you can go without the banner ads. 9.)
February 14 2005 at 13:28:10Fullname: Shiro Email: Shadow-Phoenix-X@Hotmail.com Where are your from?: Homepage name: Homepage URL: Reference: Just Surfed On It! How good do you think this site is: Looks great! Comments: 10.)
February 11 2005 at 16:29:05Fullname: aliengurl Email: aliengurl7@hotmail.com Where are your from?: Homepage name: Homepage URL: Reference: Just Surfed On It! How good do you think this site is: Looks nice Comments: hey! Just
dropping in from panheads too check out your clip .Your really good and nice site ok well bye /
11.) February 01 2005 at 16:11:16Fullname: Aeriel Frederick Email: aerielfrederick@hotmail.com Where are your from?: West Liberty, KY Homepage name: Aeriel Frederick Homepage URL: http://aerielfrederick.tripod.com Reference: Word of Mouth How good do you think this site is: Well Done!!! Comments: You are just
so awesome. My webpage would be nothing if it hadn't been for you! Thank you so much for always being there for me and listening
to me! I really appreicate your support in me and my music career! I know you are going to go somewhere in the world with
your deep talent and love for God. You are probably the deepest Christian teenager I have ever met! Never change and anytime
you need to talk, you know how you can get ahold of me! I love you lots! Take Care of yourself!!:D Your other best friend...lol...Aeriel 12.)
January 29 2005 at 04:01:27Fullname: Jess Ison Email: flossemay@hotmail.com Where are your from?: Homepage name: Homepage URL: Reference: Advertisment-Banner How good do you think this site is: Well Done!!! Comments: MEME!!
Looks great! Couldn't have done a better job myself ;). Can't wait until you're down here with us on the college scene! Until
then take care lil'. 13.) January 24 2005 at 22:21:37Fullname: Heather Salyers Email: bingo_bird@hotmail.com Where are your from?: good ol' EC Homepage name: none Homepage URL: Reference: Word of Mouth How good do you think this site is: Well Done!!! Comments: Amelia, thanks
fo the shoutout; you are such a sweetheart. I miss seeing you at school. It'll be awesome when you're here at Morehead. You're
such a talented, special person, and this site just shows you off so well. ;) Good luck with your music, and take care! 14.)
January 24 2005 at 04:24:59Fullname: Kevin Adkins Email: Majin_Kevin@hotmail.com Where are your from?: Sandy Hook, KY Homepage name: Homepage URL: sugartrain.friendpages.com Reference: Word of Mouth How good do you think this site is: Looks great! Comments: Hey amelia.
i like your site and your music is very.. uplifting and inspiring. Glad to see a picture of you performing with us at the
talent show on here!!! lol.. well be good and keep writin the good stuff ;) 15.) January 24 2005 at 04:06:38Fullname:
Adam Lee Howard Email: adamlhoward@hotmail.com Where are your from?: Sandy Hook, KY Homepage name: Homepage URL: Reference: Word of Mouth How good do you think this site is: Well Done!!! Comments: HEY, just looked
at your site its great i love it almost as much as i love you ;) j/k. I wish i had a site like that but im to lazy to do any
work :P. well i think ill shut up now so i can go talk to you >=] later 16.) January 24 2005 at 00:47:54Fullname:
Ariana Email: ari83_8@hotmail.com Where are your from?: Mexico Homepage name: Homepage URL: Reference: Just Surfed On It! How good do you think this site is: Well Done!!! Comments: I love
u, and miss u!!! I hope you will let me see you soon, i haven't seen u in years. And just a reminder of how my name is spelled...
Ariana Gracia-Medrano Te quiero mucho 17.) January 23 2005 at 22:23:50Fullname: Shelly Renae Smith Email:
shel_49@hotmail.com Where are your from?: Elliott County Homepage name: Homepage URL: Reference: Word of Mouth How good do you think this site is: Looks great! Comments: Hey Amelia,
your page looks great! you are a great friend and always have been, if you ever need anything at all just let me know...Your
songs are awesome!! Love Ya Like a Sis! 18.) January 23 2005 at 03:48:22Fullname: *Lacy*Dawn*Lewis* Email:
lacy4dawn@hotmail.com Where are your from?: Isonville, Kentucky Homepage name: "Sunshine Angel" Homepage URL: Working on it....I'll let ya know when it's done!! Reference: Word of Mouth How good do you think this site is: Well Done!!! Comments: Hey Amelia!!
This site is so great!! I Love It!! Great Job!!! Thanks for including my name in your site...that is so awesome!! You are
such a great friend! I can't believe that our Junior year is almost over...in a small matter of time...our Senior year will
be upon us...it's approaching us very quickly....it's hard to believe!! But anyway....I hope everything is treating you very
well your way...you deserve the best!! Your songs are great...write some more...just don't forget about me when you become
famous...heehee!! Talk to you later!! LyLaS!! *~*Lacy*Dawn*~* 19.) January 23 2005 at 03:11:12Fullname:
Kendra Email: kendra_dickerson@hotmail.com Where are your from?: Sandy Hook Homepage name: Homepage URL: Reference: Word of Mouth How good do you think this site is: Well Done!!! Comments: Hey Amelia
you did a great job on the page. I never have the patience to make one. Power to ya! 20.) January 23 2005 at 03:05:35Fullname:
Amy L Hall Email: amyhall_06@hotmail.com Where are your from?: Lawrence Co Homepage name: Homepage URL: Reference: Word of Mouth How good do you think this site is: Well Done!!! Comments: Amelia, your
site is great and I thinbk that your songs are the best! Love ya! BFF! Amy
21.) January 23 2005 at 02:52:55Fullname: Brandy Lewis Email: brandyshell2006@hotmail.com Where are your from?: Morgan County Homepage name: Homepage URL: Reference: Word of Mouth How good do you think this site is: Well Done!!! Comments: Awesome job,
Amelia! And thanks so much for the shout out. You've really done a great job on making your site better. Your song is great,
too..I really like it..of course. :) Well, thanks for being the best! LYLAS! BFF ~Brandy 22.) January 23 2005 at
02:34:41Fullname: Aleisha Whitt Email: whittaleisha@hotmail.com Where are your from?: Elliott Co. Homepage name: Homepage URL: http://lee06.friendpages.com Reference: Word of Mouth How good do you think this site is: Well Done!!! Comments: Hey Amelia...I
love the page! I love that song that is on there! Thanks for being a good frind, and I hope you never change! 23.)
January 23 2005 at 02:21:37Fullname: Abigail Mae Wright Email: abbey_cheerleader_2004@hotmail.com Where are your from?: sandy hook ky Homepage name: www.abbster.friendpages.com Homepage URL: abbster Reference: Word of Mouth How good do you think this site is: Well Done!!! Comments: WHATS UP. THIS
IS A GOOD WEBSITE AMILIA. WELL DONE. I GUESS ILL GET OFF HERE. BE CAREFUL. 24.) January 23 2005 at 01:36:30Fullname:
Josh Email: viqule@gmail.com Where are your from?: heck if i know Homepage name: Homepage URL: Reference: Just Surfed On It! How good do you think this site is: Well Done!!! Comments: Man Amelia
this place is awesomeness x 19,302 and pie (plus cake i suppose). you are one of the coolest people i have ever met, and i
hope nothing but the best for ya. On a light note, snow days rock, but missing Upward Bound (and tons of 30$ cash) does indeed
suck a bit. oh well, that just means more cash later. hehe well i'm going to surf around your sight a little more, so catch
ya later (and i hope you like your food 0_~)
